- concert
- CEU - Auditorium
- Budapest, Nádor utca 15., 1051
- The concert is free but registration is needed
- Registration
Next Generation Performers
Young Musicians Concert Series
The creation and performance of new classical music often involve the performer and composer working closely together to realize the final piece. This relationship can take many forms but is especially exciting when the two artists also have a personal connection. This is certainly the case for the work by Sebő Kaszab, performed by Bertalan Robotka and that of Bence Kutrik, performed by Ádám Szokolay.
Toru Takemitsu sees ‘rain’ and ‘sea’ as water that has been given a false form, as water has no form. Music, too, he says, is the composer’s provisional form for the formless sound. By listening to the meticulously notated tempi, the fluctuating dynamics, and the lingering gestures, you will be able to feel the sea of sound that is unique to Takemitsu’s works.
Toshio Hosokawa is a composer who values the beauty of space. Feel the mysterious axis of time, through tremolos that have a misty beauty rather than a grainy beauty, and a sense of harmony that is not bound by Western scales.
Now holding a crucial place in the pianist’s repertoire, Gargoyles by American composer Lowell Liebermann evokes an assortment of baroque creatures swirling out from the lid of the piano. Enjoy imagining the stony creatures coming to life through Liebermann’s masterful writing and dramatic soundscapes.
Finally, we present the emblematic work of the great experimenter György Ligeti: Musica Ricercata. Though it is the most ‘senior’ piece on the program (it is 70 years old this year) the work does not show its age and continues to be a source of inspiration for today’s generation of composers and performers.
György Ligeti: Musica ricercata – No.1, 2, 3, 4, 10 (10’) – Eszter Szabó – piano
Kutrik Bence: Chorale Machine (5’) – Ádám Szokolay – piano
Kaszab Sebő: City scenes (11‘) – Bertalan Robotka – piano
Lowell Liebermann: Gargoyles, Op.29 (9‘) – Dahee Choi – piano (ROK)
Toshio Hosokawa: Trio – Violin, Cello, Piano (12’) – Kanon Aoki (JP) – violin , Riku Hagiwara (JP) – cello, Kaisei Mizuno – piano (JP)
Toru Takemitsu: Rain Tree Sketch II – solo piano (5’) – Kaisei Mizuno – piano (JP)
- György Ligeti: Musica ricercata – No.1, 2, 3, 4, 10
- Bence Kutrik: Chorale Machine
- Sebő Kaszab: City scenes
- Lowell Liebermann: Gargoyles, Op.29
- Toshio Hosokawa: Trio – Violin, Cello, Piano
- Toru Takemitsu: Rain Tree Sketch II – solo piano
- László Borbély
- Gábor Farkas
- Eszter Szabó - piano
- Szokolay Ádám - piano
- Bertalan Robotka - piano
- Dahee Choi - piano
- Kanon Aoki - violin
- Riku Hagiwara - cello
- Kaisei Mizuno - piano